Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stack pg1-61

I really am enjoying this book. Last year Jan had copied some pages out of the Stacks book for us to read and for some reason I found it really difficult to get through the photo copied pages, maybe because of the dull black and whites of the image compared to the brightly colored ones found in this book. Whatever the reason, I found the info with in this book very useful when doing design research for Project Green Object.

When trying to design a product the designer needs to look at the audience for which the product is being designed. What are there needs? How can the object better suit their life style? Designers need to know what’s going on in the world to better create their object to fit the group of people they are aiming their product at. “They (designers) should identify clearly the relationship between the past, present, and future, and the potential effects of political, social and emotional influences within their environment” (Stacks page 6) All of these things influence design.

Currently there is a green movement going on in society. Everything is marked as organic or environmentally friendly. Consumers are becoming more aware of their purchase, where goods come from and how it will help the sustainability of the planet. Green products are becoming more popular and this is a good thing for the Earth as well as for designers. It opens a whole new playing field. The challenge now exists to design with the Earth and its people in mind.

This is a great example of green/moral design found in the Stacks book,it is a lamp created using recycled styrofoam cups. The designer, Paul Cocksedge, uses styrofoam a material that is filling up our landfills fast. Styrofoam is a chemically made material that can not be eaten by any organism and there for can not be decomposed.

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